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Holiday Decor Contest

Cooler weather has arrived in North Texas and the holiday's are right around the corner. This means scrumptious meals shared with family and friends, hot chocolate, and holiday decorations!

Holiday Decorating Contest

The Quail Valley Homeowners Association invites you to participate in our annual holiday decorating contest. This year we're throwing in a few new twists...

First, the house with the best holiday decorations will be awarded a $250 prize (HOA Board Members are encouraged to decorate but are not elligable to win). All Quail Valley residents are elibible to win!

Second, we're asking all neighborhood kids 12 and under to be our "Official Judges." Judging will take place on Sunday, December 16th at 5:30PM. Kids (and their parents) will be given ballots, hot chocolate, and then we'll walk through the neighborhood as a group to determine the winner!

If you'd like to participate, but for any reason cannot make the walk, absentee ballots are available by clicking here.

So get out the ladders, string up the lights, and may the joy of the season be with you.

We hope to see you on the 16th... Good luck!

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