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September Board Minutes

Meeting convened at 986 Dove Meadow at 7:05 pm. Salena Morphew, Josh Morphew, Stacey Whitt, Joe Tracey, Sue Tracey, Matt Ward and Sandi Mercier were in attendance.

I. President’s Report: Linda Grier is in the process of pricing new plants for the front entrance beds. Two of the tall holly bushes are dead and will be replaced with the same or something comparable. The rose bushes will be removed and replaced with boxwood shrubs that will require less maintenance, and the annual flowers will be replaced with pansies. Rich Barrett will redo the drip irrigation system at a cost of $600-700. Lighting may need to be replaced.

Time table of project:

October 10th: remove hollies and roses

October 12th: Chris & Stacey Whitt will pressure wash the stone wall

TBD: Coordinate the new planting with irrigation system install (October)

Neighbor at 993 Dove Meadow is relocating fence line per city code due to easement.

II. Operation’s Report: The fence is back on track after a misunderstanding with the contractor of the type of wood to be used. Sue will finish sending thank you cards to those who made donations to the fence.

III. Newsletter: Salena will give Sue updates for the newsletter by Sunday, 9/27.

IV. Web Advisor’s Report: Josh’s report showed that we’ve had 183 people visit the website during the last month. He will add the neighborhood map to the site, and will blog about the progress of the fence. We can send him articles for the blog; it will be a place to discuss/review restaurants, upcoming citywide activities and other local faire.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm. Next meeting October 14th at 988 Dove Meadow, 7:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Sandi Mercier.

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