March 2016 Board Meeting
Meeting convened at 7:00 pm at 988 Dove Meadow on March 9th
In attendance:
Josh & Salena Morphew
Chris & Stacey Whitt
Joe & Sue Tracey
Sandi Mercier Linda Grier
Matt Ward
I. Fence Update:
There are still a few issues with the fence & Cody will come out and address them: a) some of the boards are pulling apart and need to be re-nailed properly; b) stain wasn’t completed on some of the top cap sections.
II. Landscaping:
- Chris will repair broken sprinkler head at the front entrance.
- Matt is getting quotes for the front entrance mowing.
- The Bradford Pear trees will stay for this year due to cost. However, we will remove the diseased west end tree. It was decided to put landscape paper down on the island & cover with mulch as a temporary aesthetic solution until we can afford rock.
- Sandi will contact Rob about the possibility of bringing in some free boulders.
- Salena will get soil tested because of dying shrubs in the entrance bed. We will decide
what to do after we get the results.
- Spring Planting Day: April 2, 9:00am – Josh will post on social media sites.
- Chris will pressure-wash the entrance after the planting day.
III. Treasurer’s Report:
Already 50% of the residents have paid their dues.
Stacey noticed an increase in our water bill since September, contacted the city, and found that our meter had been broken and was replaced at that time.
IV. Newsletter: We have received wonderful feedback about the looks and content of the newsletter. The next newsletter is scheduled for May and will include publicity for Yard-of-the-Month, a June Volunteer Appreciation Party, and a July 4th Kid’s Parade.
V. Volunteers:
- Chris Whitt was nominated and elected to the Vice President position.
- Joe Tracey will continue to attend and give input at the board meetings.
- Jean Ann McDaniel volunteered to help on the front entrance beautification committee.
- Terri Shearer volunteered to help with any activities.
VI. Other:
- Garage sale will be scheduled in May and coordinated with StoneRidge. Possible dates:
May 13th & 14th.
- Block Captains will be notified to help keep track of new neighbors, homes for sale,
family additions (babies ) and any other news to keep us informed.
- Sandi will deliver welcome bags this month to the new(er) neighbors. Coordinate with
Stacey on names & addresses.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Next meeting: May 4th at 985 Pheasant Ridge.
Minutes submitted by Sandi Mercier.