The Keller Wire - May 2016
Neighbors, What follows is an update taken from "The Keller Wire" by Armin Mizani of the Keller City Council: Recent and Upcoming...

Spring Planting Day!
Neighbors, Spring has sprung! We'll be replanting the flower beds at the Rufe Snow entrance at 9:00AM April 2. Please contact QVHA...

March 2016 Board Meeting
Meeting convened at 7:00 pm at 988 Dove Meadow on March 9th In attendance: Josh & Salena Morphew Chris & Stacey Whitt Joe & Sue Tracey...

2016 HOA Dues
Dear Neighbors, Please don't forget to send in your annual dues by February 29th. Please keep in mind that we’re a voluntary homeowners...

2016 Holiday Yard of the Month Contest
We know a great deal of effort goes into making the holidays so special. This includes the holiday decorations that adorn many of the...

QVHA Holiday Yard of the Month!
There can be no doubt that the holidays are fast approaching. Many neighbors have gone to great lengths to usher in the holiday season...

November 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting convened at 992 Pheasant Ridge at 7:00 pm. Salena Morphew, Josh Morphew, Stacey Whitt, Joe Tracey, Sue Tracey and Matt Ward were...

October 2015 Board Minutes
The meeting convened at 988 Dove Meadow at 7:00 pm. Salena Morphew, Josh Morphew, Stacey Whitt, Sue Tracey, Joe Tracey, and Sandi...

September Board Minutes
Meeting convened at 986 Dove Meadow at 7:05 pm. Salena Morphew, Josh Morphew, Stacey Whitt, Joe Tracey, Sue Tracey, Matt Ward and Sandi...

QVHA Fence Construction Update 1
You may have noticed that construction on the Rufe Snow fence line began and was then halted for a bit. The fencing company had gotten...